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French National Front and fascists
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French Society
French Society
Articles of this section
“The caste” ? Left and far right share the same vocabulary
“The caste” is one of those widely used words that, like “bobos “ (French version of “bourgeois bohemians” in English but with a larger meaning), (…)
Article mis en ligne le
5 septembre 2021
Yellow vests ? and what next ?
(This article of Henri Simon was published in the French journal Echanges et mouvement n ° 165, Autumn 2018).
Article mis en ligne le
15 février 2019
Anti-CPE Struggle in 2006 - Spontaneist and pro-Situationist myths about November “riots” and anti-CPE struggle
Article mis en ligne le
8 février 2019
The last articles
“The caste” ? Left and far right share the same vocabulary
Publié le 5 septembre 2021
Yves Coleman
Yellow vests ? and what next ?
Publié le 15 février 2019
Yves Coleman
Anti-CPE Struggle in 2006 - Spontaneist and pro-Situationist myths about November “riots” and anti-CPE struggle
Publié le 8 février 2019
Yves Coleman