"Limits of antizionism" became the recurring title to a series of articles written during the last 21 years about Left antisemitism and its possible connections with certain forms of anti-Zionism. France is the European country which welcomes both the most important Muslim (3 to 6 million) and Jewish (around 600,000) “communities. ” It is also the country which saw a dangerous revival of holocaust denial after 1979, thanks to several generation of (in)famous agitators and “provocateurs” : Robert Faurisson (a literature university teacher), Roger Garaudy (an ex-Communist Party leading intellectual converted to Islam), Alain Soral (a failed journalist-essayist who became a “national-socialist, ” according to his own words, quite famous on YouTube for his aggressive videos) and Dieudonné (an antiracist stand-up comedian who became a professional antisemite under the disguise of anti-Zionism). Those interested by these questions will find many articles on this subject (in French) on Ni patrie ni frontières’ website (npnf.eu).
Limits of antizionism n° 1 and 2
Article mis en ligne le 18 septembre 2023