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Texts in English
French National Front and fascists
French Society
Identity politics
Islam and Islamism
Migrations and the French nation-state
Zionism and anti-Zionism
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Texts in English
From the “Semitic Jew” to the “white Jew” :
Has Doorbraak joined the herd of the « antizionist » deniers ?
How Alain Badiou, a Mao-trivial philosopher, and his friend, the calamitous Cécile Winter, deal with Israel-Palestine
How Eric Hazan and Alain Badiou despise and hide the achievements of a century-old debate on Zionism and left antisemitism (2012)
Left antisemitism : definition and political functions
The hijab and the Left (2004)
The rise of Muslim religion in France and its negative political consequences for the Left (2005)
Three aspects of French Secularism (2004)
French National Front and fascists
How does the National Front control its municipal territories ?
The National Front and French working class (2015) Part 1
French Society
Anti-CPE Struggle in 2006 - Spontaneist and pro-Situationist myths about November “riots” and anti-CPE struggle
Yellow vests ? and what next ?
“The caste” ? Left and far right share the same vocabulary
Identity politics
Radicals play magic tricks with gender, race and biology
Islam and Islamism
Some statistics about Islam and other religions
The hijab and the Left
Migrations and the French nation-state
150 years of immigration
French working class, migrants, racism and the building of French national ideology
Zionism and anti-Zionism
Limits of anti-Zionism 1 and 2
Texts in English
French National Front and fascists
French Society
Identity politics
Islam and Islamism
Migrations and the French nation-state
Zionism and anti-Zionism